11.16.03 - 3.21.04


Happy Spring! Reports are coming back from fans for peace who have been to the massive protests all over the country, from New York to Indiana to Texas to California! Stay tuned for photos and written accounts! Those folks will score some free Goo stuff as an extra thank-you for their participation..... And new monthly contests and such coming soon :-)

Also, just added a new section -- rants & essays. So if you feel the need to rant about politics, there's a place for all the world to see. We've got one awesome rant so far, from an anonymous peacegoober in Indianapolis -- check it out here!

And don't forget about the message board!!

Love & Light
Myshele :-)


The site is being wonky again. I do apologize. Working with my web host to set things right again. Thanks for your patience.


Real quick -- just saw a rockin' interview with Mike -- Mike, talking! That's a novelty in and of itself, so it's extra cool to see what he has to say about politics and environmental issues..... Check out some excerpts here!

Contest winners and other fun stuff coming later this week.....

Love & Light
Myshele :-)


TONS of new stuff for ya this weekend!! First off...... Who was looking closely at the Tour Diary last month?? Did you see the great big IMPEACH BUSH sign popping out of the audience?? Pretty cool...... Maybe a coincidence, maybe not...... Thanks, Goos!! For more pictures from Las Vegas, check out the photo gallery.....

Even in their down time, the Goos are keeping up with politics -- check out the recent statements from John about music education & politics. Primaries are happening all over the place..... Are YOU registered to vote?? Check out rockthevote.org and make your voice heard! There are lots of discussions on the message board about different candidates. And remember, you can also get involved with local political and activism groups -- you're never too young to volunteer, and a lot of groups are looking for youth outreach organizers. Check out vteens.org, idealist.org, or networkforgood.org to find volunteer opportunities in your area. Ellie from Texas is involved with with Galveston County Democrats, helping get young people in her community aware and involved. Go Ellie! What are YOU doing?

New month, new FFP Book Club contest!! Check out the Book Club page for contest details and the next book.....

Meanwhile, the forms on the site are fixed, so you can now submit stuff with confidence...... Thank you Katherine for letting me know they were broken in the first place. If you submitted something through the site in the last two months and are confused because I never posted it, please just send it through again!! Check out the Get Involved page for interactive stuff you can sound-off on -- including a new Question Of The Month! This one is all about looooooooove! We've got a fresh stock of GGD guitar picks, courtesy of Damage and Absolute Goo, along with a bunch of other rockin' prizes that I've discovered in my spring cleaning......

Like Surprises?? The next contest is going to be a little different than the ones in the past..... Over the next six weeks, there are a lot of protests, vigils, and street actions happening, leading up to March 20th, which is the anniversary of the Iraq invasion. I know you'll want to get out there just to meet new people and raise your voice, but how about a little extra incentive?? We've got all kinds of stuff floating around here, from CDs to autographed ChameleonWest brochures to Goo news clippings...... So everybody that sends pictures or stories from a protest will automatically get some swag! Plus, you'll have a chance to win a prize pack with lots of GOOdies :-) Check out the upcoming events page to find what's going on in your community!

Love & Light
Myshele :-)


My host has been doing some funky things with the site, so I just found out the forms don't work. D'oh! Hopefully we'll get that fixed in the next few days...... CGI was invented as a torture device, I swear. Thanks for your patience :-)


I'm baaaaaaack! After a month out west, things have really started piling up around here! Whew! Hope the new year is treatin' ya well..... And without further ado......

Vegas was a rockin' time, despite some serious communication issues around general admission..... But it all turned out okay, and the show was amazing! Lotsa peace signs from Robby and John, and a happy reception of the scrapbooks made by a fellow peacegoober..... Great work, Sara!!

Couldn't sneak cameras inside this time, but check out some pre- and post-show pics of the Big Pink Banner! Got to meet up with a whole bunch of Fans For Peace -- thank you to everyone who stopped by!! My fuzzy little brain is bad with names, so if you see your gorgeous face in the photo above, please e-mail me or post on the message board!!

Speaking of which, it's as busy as ever, check it out if you're in the mood for some mental stimulation :-)

As it turns out, we don't have quite enough hi-res photos to make a whole calendar..... Maybe next year!! New FFP merch will be on the back burner for a little while, since I'm gonna be up to my ears in other projects and looking for a job. But more site updates WILL be upcoming!! Stay tuned!

Love & Light
Myshele :-)


Never try to quit your job, apply to grad schools, shop for holiday presents, and prepare for three trips at the same time - in the middle of flu season. Doesn't work too well! So Fans For Peace is on hold for about a month, till I get back.

The message board, as always, is available for your information and pleasure, lotsa good discussions and chats happening over there..... And don't forget to grab a copy of Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, our current FFP Book Club reading..... Or put it on your wish-list! I can personally vouch for the wonderfulness of this book, it'll rock your world.

Also, in the next few days there will be a brand-spankin'-new Fans For Peace CALENDAR in the shop!! Don't want to miss that!!

And when we're back up and running again..... Notes from Earth Activist Training led by Starhawk, photos from NYE with the Goos, and the WESTERN adventures of the Big Pink Banner! Along with lots of post-holiday GOOdies to getcha through the winter blahs.....

Have a wonderful and peaceful holiday season, and a happy new year!

Love & Light
Myshele :-)


The Fans For Peace birthday celebration was a great time for everybody! We had a fun online chat, which is sure to happen again in the next few months, along with lots of contests and prizes! Folks shared their thoughts about what political jobs would suit the Goos, which lyrics seem to be making a statement, and how they've been inspired.

Prizes will be mailed out soon.....

Plus, there is some new merch! The design above was created by Shelley, now a holiday tree ornament! For her gorgeous design, she scores herself a complimentary one - but you can get one for under $10! More ornaments and other holiday GOOdies coming soon!

Now that the birthday celebration is over, we'll get back to our regularly scheduled programming..... Which means some new pics, contests, and other fun stuff! Also the FANS FOR PEACE BOOK CLUB has kinda given up on the current book (A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn) so we're moving on to the next one, Ishmael by Daniel Quinn..... So head on out to your local independent bookseller or library and grab yourself a copy! It'll be a quick(er) read, I promise!!

Love & Light
Myshele :-)

P.S. The copy of Ishmael autographed by Robby is going to Mariann, for her wonderful words about how the Goos have inspired her. It was a tie between Mariann and Barbara, but since Barbara already had the book, she got the prize pack. In case you were keeping track, there was no vote on this one -- it seemed really unfair to ask people to vote on some very personal tales, so the prizes went to the two that I thought were most courageous. Check them out, I think you'll agree.



Can you believe Fans For Peace has been around for a whole YEAR?! We've come a long way, baby! From a crazy brainstorm in the middle of the night to over 150 members, peace banners at over 20 shows on the Gutterflower tour, folks going to protests all over the place, shout-outs in the Tour Diary, and tons of fantastic discussions on the message board...... It's been a GOOreat year!!

And now we're cuttin' loose for a great big BIRTHDAY BASH!! Fun, contests, and rockin' prizes all week long to celebrate!! And if you're around on the evening of the 16th, we'll be hangin' out in our brand-new chat room from 9:00 eastern time onwards...... Hope to see ya there!!

Love & Light
Myshele :-)

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